Mission (BS-Cyber Security)
Bachelor of Science in Cyber Security (BS-CyS)
Total Credit Hours: 130
Duration: 4 Years (8 Semesters)
Course Outlines of BS in Cyber Security (BS-CyS):
SS-1101T: Ideology and Constitution of Pakistan (Cr Hr 2+0)
(Prerequisite: none)
Historical background of Pakistan: Muslim society in Indo-Pakistan, the movement led by the societies, the downfall of Islamic society, the establishment of British Raj- Causes and consequences. Political evolution of Muslims in the twentieth century: Sir Syed Ahmed Khan; Muslim League; Nehru; Allama Iqbal: Independence Movement; Lahore Resolution; Pakistan culture and society, Constitutional and Administrative issues, Pakistan and its geopolitical dimension, Pakistan and International Affairs, Pakistan and the challenges ahead.
CS-1101T: Programming Fundamentals (Cr Hr 3+1)
(Prerequisite: none)
Introduction to problem solving, a brief review of Von-Neumann architecture, Introduction to programming, role of compiler and linker, introduction to algorithms, basic data types and variables, input/output constructs, arithmetic, comparison and logical operators, conditional statements and execution flow for conditional statements, repetitive statements and execution flow for repetitive statements, lists and their memory organization, multi-dimensional lists, introduction to modular programming, function definition and calling, stack rolling and unrolling, string and string operations, pointers/references, static and dynamic memory allocation, File I/O operations.
MT-1101T: Linear Algebra (Cr Hr 3+0)
(Prerequisite: none)
Algebra of linear transformations and matrices. determinants, rank, systems of equations, vector spaces, orthogonal transformations, linear dependence, linear Independence and bases, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, characteristic equations, Inner product space and quadratic forms.
NS-1101T: Applied Physics (Cr Hr 3+0)
(Prerequisite: none)
Electric force and its applications and related problems, conservation of charge, charge quantization, Electric fields due to point charge and lines of force. Ring of charge, Disk of charge, A point charge in an electric field, Dipole in a n electric field, The flux of vector field, The flux of electric field, Gauss’ Law, Application of Gauss’ Law, Spherically symmetric charge distribution, A charge isolated conductor, Electric potential energy, Electric potentials, Calculating the potential from the field and related problem Potential due to point and continuous charge distribution, Potential due to dipole, equipotential surfaces, Calculating the field from the potential , Electric current, Current density, Resistance, Resistivity and conductivity, Ohm’s law and its applications, The Hall effect, The magnetic force on a current, The Biot- Savart law, Line of B, Two parallel conductors, Amperes’ s Law, Solenoid, Toroids,
Faraday’s experiments, Faraday’s Law of Induction, Lenz’s law, Motional emf, Induced electric field, Induced electric fields, The basic equation of electromagnetism, Induced Magnetic field, The displacement current, Reflection and Refraction of light waves, Total internal reflection, Two source interference, Double Slit interference, related problems, Interference from thin films, Diffraction and the wave theory, related problems, Single-Slit Diffraction, related problems, Polarization of electromagnetic waves, Polarizing sheets, related problems.
CS-1102T: Application of Information & Communication Technologies
(Cr Hr 2+1) (Prerequisite: none)
Brief history of Computer, Four Stages of History, Computer Elements, Processor, Memory, Hardware, Software, Application Software its uses and Limitations, System Software its Importance and its Types, Types of Computer (Super, Mainframe, Mini and Micro Computer), Introduction to CBIS (Computer Based Information System), Methods of Input and Processing, Class2. Organizing Computer Facility, Centralized Computing Facility, Distributed Computing Facility, Decentralized Computing Facility, Input Devices. Keyboard and its Types, Terminal (Dump, Smart, Intelligent), Dedicated Data Entry, SDA (Source Data Automation), Pointing Devices, Voice Input, Output Devices. Soft- Hard Copies, Monitors and its Types, Printers and its Types, Plotters, Computer Virus and its Forms, Storage Units, Primary and Secondary Memories, RAM and its Types, Cache, Hard Disks, Working of Hard Disk, Diskettes, RAID, Optical Disk Storages (DVD, CD ROM), Magnetic Types, Backup System, Data Communications, Data Communication Model, Data Transmission, Digital and Analog Transmission, Modems, Asynchronous and Synchronous Transmission, Simplex. Half Duplex, Full Duplex Transmission, Communications, Medias (Cables, Wireless), Protocols, Network Topologies (Star, Bus, Ring), LAN, LAN, Internet, A Brief History, Birthplace of ARPA Net, Web Link, Browser, Internet Services provider and Online Services Providers, Function and Features of Browser, Search Engines, Some Common Services available on Internet.
SS-1102T: Islamic Studies (Cr Hr 2+0)
(Prerequisite: none)
Basic Themes of Quran, Introduction to Sciences of Hadith, Introduction to Islamic Jurisprudence, Primary & Secondary Sources of Islamic Law, Makken & Madnian life of the Prophet, Islamic Economic System, Political theories, Social System of Islam. Definition of Akhlaq.The Most Important Characters mentioned in the Holy Qur’an and Sunnah, SIDQ (Truthfulness)Generosity Tawakkaul(trust on Allah)Patience Taqua (piety). Haqooq ul ibad in the light of Quran & Hadith – the important characteristic of Islamic Society.
SS-1103T: Ethical Behavior (Cr Hr 2+0)
(Prerequisite: none)
Scope and methods of Ethics: Ethics and religion; Ethical teachings of world religions; Basic moral concepts, right and wrong, good and evil; Outline of ethical systems in philosophy; Hedonism, utilitarianism, rationalism, self realization theories, Intuitionism; Islamic moral theory: Ethics of Quran and its philosophical basis, ethical percepts of Quran and Hadith and promotion of moral values in society.
MT-1202T: Calculus and Analytical Geometry (Cr Hr 3+0)
(Prerequisite: none)
Limits and Continuity; Introduction to functions, Introduction to limits, Techniques of funding limits, Indeterminate forms of limits, Continuous and discontinuous functions and their applications, Differential calculus; Concept and idea of differentiation, Geometrical and Physical meaning of derivatives, Rules of differentiation, Techniques of differentiation, Rates of change, Tangents and Normals lines, Chain rule, implicit differentiation, linear approximation, Applications of differentiation; Extreme value functions, Mean value theorems, Maxima and Minima of a function for single-variable, Concavity, Integral calculus; Concept and idea of Integration, Indefinite Integrals, Techniques of integration, Riemann sums and Definite Integrals, Applications of definite integrals, Improper integral, Applications of Integration; Area under the curve, Analytical Geometry; Straight lines in R3, Equations for planes.
SS-1204T: Functional English (Cr Hr 3+0)
(Prerequisite: none)
Paragraph and Essay Writing, Descriptive Essays; Sentence Errors, Persuasive Writing; How
to give presentations, Sentence Errors; Oral Presentations, Comparison and Contrast Essays,
Dialogue Writing, Short Story Writing, Review Writing, Narrative Essays, Letter Writing.
CS-1203T: Object Oriented Programming (Cr Hr 3+1)
(Prerequisite: CS-1101T)
Introduction to object oriented design, history and advantages of object oriented design, introduction to object oriented programming concepts, classes, objects, data encapsulation, constructors, destructors, access modifiers, const vs non-const functions, static data members & functions, function overloading, operator overloading, identification of classes and their relationships, composition, aggregation, inheritance, multiple inheritance, polymorphism, abstract classes and interfaces, generic programming concepts, function & class templates, standard template library, object streams, data and object serialization using object streams, exception handling.
EE-1201T: Digital Logic Design (Cr Hr 3+1)
(Prerequisite: none)
Number Systems, Logic Gates, Boolean Algebra, Combination logic circuits and designs, Simplification Methods (K-Map, Quinn Mc-Cluskey method), Flip Flops and Latches, Asynchronous and Synchronous circuits, Counters, Shift Registers, Counters, Triggered devices & its types. Binary Arithmetic and Arithmetic Circuits, Memory Elements, State Machines. Introduction Programmable Logic Devices (CPLD, FPGA); Lab Assignments using tools such as Verilog HDL/VHDL, MultiSim.
CS-2104T: Data Structure & Algorithms (Cr Hr 3+1)
(Prerequisite: CS-1101T)
Abstract data types, complexity analysis, Big Oh notation, Stacks (linked lists and array implementations), Recursion and analyzing recursive algorithms, divide and conquer algorithms, Sorting algorithms (selection, insertion, merge, quick, bubble, heap, shell, radix, bucket), queue, dequeuer, priority queues (linked and array implementations of queues), linked list & its various types, sorted linked list, searching an unsorted array, binary search for sorted arrays, hashing and indexing, open addressing and chaining, trees and tree traversals, binary search trees, heaps, M-way tress, balanced trees, graphs, breadth-first and depth-first traversal, topological order, shortest path, adjacency matrix and adjacency list implementations, memory management and garbage collection.
CS-2105T: Discrete Structures (Cr Hr 3+0)
(Prerequisite: none)
Mathematical reasoning, propositional and predicate logic, rules of inference, proof by induction, proof by contraposition, proof by contradiction, proof by implication, set theory, relations, equivalence relations and partitions, partial orderings, recurrence relations, functions, mappings, function composition, inverse functions, recursive functions, Number Theory, sequences, series, counting, inclusion and exclusion principle, pigeonhole principle, permutations and combinations, elements of graph theory, planar graphs, graph coloring, euler graph, Hamiltonian path, rooted trees, traversals.
SS-2105T: Expository Writing (Cr Hr 3+0)
(Prerequisite: none)
Principles of writing good English, understanding the composition process: writing clearly; words, sentence and paragraphs; Comprehension and expression; Use of grammar and punctuation. Process of writing, observing, audience collecting, composing, drafting and revising, persuasive writing, reading skills, listening skills and comprehension, skills for taking notes in class, skills for exams; Business communications; planning messages, writing concise but with impact. Letter formats, mechanics of business, letter writing, letters, memo and applications, summaries, proposals, writing resumes, styles and formats, oral communications, verbal and non-verbal communication, conducting meetings, small group communication, taking minutes. Presentation skills; presentation strategies, defining the objective, scope and audience of the presentation, material gathering material organization strategies, time management, opening and concluding, use of audio-visual aids, delivery and presentation.
CS-2106T: Computer Organization & Assembly Language (Cr Hr 2+1)
(Prerequisite: EE-1201T)
Introduction to computer systems: Information is bits + context, programs are translated by other programs into different forms, it pays to understand how compilation systems work, processors read and interpret instructions stored in memory, caches matter, storage devices form a hierarchy, the operating system manages the hardware, systems communicate with other systems using networks; Representing and manipulating information: information storage, integer representations, integer arithmetic, floating point; Machine-level representation of programs: a historical perspective, program encodings, data formats, accessing information, arithmetic and logical operations, control, procedures, array allocation and access, heterogeneous data structures, putting it together: understanding pointers, life in the real world: using the gdb debugger, outof-bounds memory references and buffer overflow, x86-64: extending ia32 to 64 bits, machine-level representations of floating-point programs; Processor architecture: the Y86 instruction set architecture, logic design and the Hardware Control Language (HCL), sequential Y86 implementations, general principles of pipelining, pipelined Y86 implementations.
CS-2207T: Theory of Automata & Formal Languages (Cr Hr 3+0)
(Prerequisite: none)
Finite State Models: Language definitions preliminaries, Regular expressions/Regular languages, Finite automata (FAs), Transition graphs (TGs), NFAs, Kleene’s theorem, Transducers (automata with output), Pumping lemma and non-regular language Grammars and PDA: CFGs, Derivations, derivation trees and ambiguity, Simplifying CFLs, Normal form grammars and parsing, Decidability, Context sensitive languages, grammars and linear bounded automata (LBA), Chomsky’s hierarchy of grammars Turing Machines Theory: Turing machines, Post machine, Variations on TM, TM encoding, Universal Turing Machine, Defining Computers by TMs.
CS-2208T: Introduction to Operating Systems (Cr Hr 2+1)
(Prerequisite: CS-2104T)
Operating systems basics, system calls, process concept and scheduling, inter-process communication, multithreaded programming, multithreading models, threading issues, process scheduling algorithms, thread scheduling, multiple-processor scheduling, synchronization, critical section, synchronization hardware, synchronization problems, deadlocks, detecting and recovering from deadlocks, memory management, swapping, contiguous memory allocation, segmentation & paging, virtual memory management, demand paging, thrashing, memory-mapped files, file systems, file concept, directory and disk structure, directory implementation, free space management, disk structure and scheduling, swap space management, system protection, virtual machines, operating system security.
CS-2209T: Database Systems (Cr Hr 3+1)
(Prerequisite: none)
Basic database concepts, Database approach vs file based system, database architecture, three level schema architecture, data independence, relational data model, attributes, schemas, tuples, domains, relation instances, keys of relations, integrity constraints, relational algebra, selection, projection, Cartesian product, types of joins, normalization, functional dependencies, normal forms, entity relationship model, entity sets, attributes, relationship, entity-relationship diagrams, Structured Query Language (SQL), Joins and sub-queries in SQL, Grouping and aggregation in SQL, concurrency control, database backup and recovery, indexes, NoSQL systems.
CS-2210T: Software Engineering (Cr Hr 3+0)
(Prerequisite: none)
Nature of Software, Overview of Software Engineering, Professional software development, Software engineering practice, Software process structure, Software process models, Agile software Development, Agile process models, Agile development techniques, Requirements engineering process, Functional and non-functional requirements, Context models, Interaction models, Structural models, behavioral models, model driven engineering, Architectural design, Design and implementation, UML diagrams, Design patterns, Software testing and quality assurance, Software evolution, Project management and project planning, configuration management, Software Process improvement.
MT-2204: Multivariable Calculus (Cr Hr 3+0)
(Prerequisite: MT-1202T)
Functions of Several Variables and Partial Differentiation. Multiple Integrals, Line and Surface Integrals. Green’s and Stoke’s Theorem. Fourier Series: periodic functions, Functions of any period P-2L, Even & odd functions, Half Range expansions, Fourier Transform; Laplace Transform, Z-Transform.
CS-2211T: Compiler Construction (Cr Hr 2+1)
(Prerequisite: CS-2207T)
Compiler Techniques and Methodology: Organization of Compilers, Lexical and Syntax Analysis, Parsing techniques, Object code generation and optimization, detection and recovery from errors. Contrast between compilers and interpreters.
SS-2106T: Technical Report Writing (Cr Hr 3+0)
(Prerequisite: SS-2105T)
Overview of technical reporting, use of library and information gathering, administering questionnaires, reviewing the gathered information; Technical exposition; topical arrangement, exemplification, definition, classification and division, casual analysis, effective exposition, technical narration, description and argumentation, persuasive strategy, Organizing information and generation solution: brainstorming, organizing material, construction of the formal outline, outlining conventions, electronic communication, generation solutions. Polishing style: paragraphs, listening sentence structure, clarity, length and order, pomposity, empty words, pompous vocabulary, document design: document structure, preamble, summaries, abstracts, table of contents, footnotes, glossaries, cross-referencing, plagiarism, citation and bibliography, glossaries, index, appendices, typesetting systems, creating the professional report; elements, mechanical elements and graphical elements. Reports: Proposals, progress reports, Leaflets, brochures, handbooks, magazines articles, research papers, feasibility reports, project reports, technical research reports, manuals and documentation, thesis. Electronic documents, Linear verses hierarchical structure documents.
MT-3105T: Probability and Statistics (Cr Hr 3+0)
(Prerequisite: none)
Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis, Statistical Inference, Samples, Populations, and the Role of Probability. Sampling Procedures. Discrete and Continuous Data. Statistical Modeling. Types of Statistical Studies. Probability: Sample Space, Events, Counting Sample Points, Probability of an Event, Additive Rules, Conditional Probability, Independence, and the Product Rule, Bayes’ Rule. Random Variables and Probability Distributions. Mathematical Expectation: Mean of a Random Variable, Variance and Covariance of Random Variables, Means and Variances of Linear Combinations of Random Variables, Chebyshev’s Theorem. Discrete Probability Distributions. Continuous Probability Distributions. Fundamental Sampling Distributions and Data Descriptions: Random Sampling, Sampling Distributions, Sampling Distribution of Means and the Central Limit Theorem. Sampling Distribution of S2, t-Distribution, FQuantile and Probability Plots. Single Sample & One- and Two-Sample Estimation Problems. Single Sample & One- and Two-Sample Tests of Hypotheses. The Use of PValues for Decision Making in Testing Hypotheses (Single Sample & One- and Two Sample Tests), Linear Regression and Correlation. Least Squares and the Fitted Model, Multiple Linear Regression and Certain, Nonlinear Regression Models, Linear Regression Model Using Matrices, Properties of the Least Squares Estimators.
CS-2213T: Computer Networks (Cr Hr 2+1)
(Prerequisite: none)
Introduction and protocols architecture, basic concepts of networking, network topologies, layered architecture, physical layer functionality, data link layer functionality, multiple access techniques, circuit switching and packet switching, LAN technologies, wireless networks, MAC addressing, networking devices, network layer protocols, IPv4 and IPv6, IP addressing, sub netting, CIDR, routing protocols, transport layer protocols, ports and sockets, connection establishment, flow and congestion control, application layer protocols, latest trends in computer networks.
CS-3701T: Web Engineering (Cr Hr 2+1)
(Prerequisite: none)
Web programming languages (e.g., HTML5, CSS 3, Java Script, PHP/JSP/ASP.Net), Design principles of Web based applications, Web platform constraints, Software as a Service (SaaS), Web standards, Responsive Web Design, Web Applications, Browser/Server Communication, Storage Tier, Cookies and Sessions, Input Validation, Full stack state management, Web App Security – Browser Isolation, Network Attacks, Session Attacks, Large scale applications, Performance of Web Applications, Data Centers, Web Testing and Web Maintenance.
CS-2214T: Artificial Intelligence (Cr Hr 2+1)
(Prerequisite: none)
An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and its applications towards Knowledge Based Systems; Introduction to Reasoning and Knowledge Representation, Problem Solving by Searching (Informed searching, Uninformed searching, Heuristics, Local searching, Minmax algorithm, Alpha beta pruning, Game-playing); Case Studies: General Problem Solver, Eliza, Student, Macsyma; Learning from examples; ANN and Natural Language Processing; Recent trends in AI and applications of AI algorithms. Python programming language will be used to explore and illustrate various issues and techniques in Artificial Intelligence.
CS-2215T: Information Security (Cr Hr 2+1)
(Prerequisite: none)
Information security foundations, security design principles; security mechanisms, symmetric and asymmetric cryptography, encryption, hash functions, digital signatures, key management, authentication and access control; software security, vulnerabilities and protections, malware, database security; network security, firewalls, intrusion detection; security policies, policy formation and enforcement, risk assessment, cybercrime, law and ethics in information security, privacy and anonymity of data.
MT-3206T: Numerical Computing (Cr Hr 3+0)
(Prerequisite: none)
Mathematical preliminaries and error analysis, round-off errors and computer arithmetic, Calculate Divided Differences. Use Divided-difference Table. Find Newton’s Interpolation Polynomial. Calculate Interpolation with Equally Spaced Data. Find the Difference Table. Calculate, Newton’s Forward & Backward Difference Formulae. Use Gauss Formulae. Use Stirling’s Interpolation Formula. Use Bessel’s Interpolation Formula. Use Everett’s Interpolation Formula. Solve Nonlinear Equations. Solve Equations by Bisection Method. Solve Equations by Regula Falsi Method. Solve Equations by Secant Method. Solve Equations by Newton-Raphson Method. Find Fixed Point Iteration. Solve Equations by Jacobi Iterative Methods. Solve Equations by Gauss Seidel Method Calculate Numerical Differentiation. Find Numerical Differentiation Formulae Based on Equally Spaced Data. Find Numerical Differentiation Based on Newton’s Forward Differences. Find Numerical Differentiation Based on Newton’s Backward Differences. Find Numerical Differentiation Based on Stirling’s Formula. Find Numerical Differentiation Based on Bessel’s Formula. Find Numerical Differentiation Based on Lagrange’s Formula. Calculate Error Analysis of Differentiation Formulae. Solve Richardson Extrapolation. Calculate Numerical Integration. Use Trapezoidal Rule with Error Term. Use Simpson’s 1/3 Rule with Error Term. Use Simpson’s 3/8 Rule with Error Term. Use Composite Numerical Integration. Use Composite Trapezoidal Rule. Use Composite Simpson’s Rule. Find Richardson’s Extrapolation. Find Newton-Cotes Closed Quadrature Formulae.
CS-2216T: Design & Analysis of Algorithms (Cr Hr 3+0)
(Prerequisite: none)
Introduction; role of algorithms in computing, Analysis on nature of input and size of input Asymptotic notations; Big-O, Big Ω, Big Θ, little-o, little-ω, Sorting Algorithm analysis, loop invariants, Recursion and recurrence relations; Algorithm Design Techniques, Brute Force Approach, Divide-and-conquer approach; Merge, Quick Sort, Greedy approach; Dynamic programming; Elements of Dynamic Programming, Search trees; Heaps; Hashing; Graph algorithms, shortest paths, sparse graphs, String matching; Introduction to complexity classes.
CS-4150P: Final Year Project (Cr Hr 0+3)
To give the students the chance for enhancing their theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of research and development.
MG-1201: Economics and Management (Cr Hr 3+0)
(Prerequisite: none)
Introduction: Basic concept and Principles of Economics, Microeconomic theory, the problems of scarcity, Concept of Engineering Economy.
Economic Environment: Consumer and producer goods, goods and services, demand & supply concept. Equilibrium, elasticity of demand, elasticity of supply, measures of Economic worth. Price-supply-demand relationships. Perfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition and oligopoly, Fundamentals of Marketing. Elementary Financial Analysis: Basic accounting equation. Development and interpretation of financial statement-Income statement, Balance sheet and cash flow. Working capital management. Break Even Analysis: Revenue/cost terminologies, behavior of costs. Determination of costs/revenues. Numerical and graphical presentations. Practical applications. BEA as a management tool for achieving financial / operation efficiency.
Selection Between Alternatives: Time value of money and financial internal rate of return. Present Value, future value and annuities. Cost-benefit analysis, selection amongst materials, techniques, design etc. Investment philosophy. Investment alternatives having identical lives. Alternatives having different lives. Make or buy decisions and replacement decisions.
Value Analysis/Value Engineering: Value analysis procedures. Value engineering procedures. Value analysis versus value engineering. Advantages and applications in different areas. Value analysis in designing and purchasing. Linear Programming problems, graphic solution simplex procedure. Duality problem.
Depreciation and Taxes: Depreciation concept, economic life, methods of depreciations, profit and returns on capital, productivity of capital gain (loss) on the disposal of an asset, depreciation as a tax shield. Business Organization: Type of ownership, single ownership, partnerships, corporation, type of stocks and joint stock companies banking and specialized credit institutions. Capital Financing & Allocation: Capital budgeting, allocation of capital among independent projects, financing with debt capital, financing with equity capital trading on equity, financial leveraging.
SS-4109: Entrepreneurship (Cr Hr 3+0)
(Prerequisite: none)
Entrepreneurship and the Entrepreneurial mind-set. Entrepreneurial intentions and corporate Entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurial strategy. Generating exploiting new entries. Creativity and the business ideas. Identifying and analyzing domestic and international opportunities. Intellectual property and other legal issues for the Entrepreneur. The business plan. Creating and starting the venture. The Marketing plan. The Organizational plan. The Financial plan. Sources of capital. Informal risk capital, venture capital and going public. Strategies for growth and managing the implication of growth. Succession planning and strategies for harvesting and ending the venture.
Course Outlines of Domain Elective and Elective Courses of BS (Cyber Security)
CS-2207T: Theory of Automata & Formal Languages (Cr Hr 3+0)
(Prerequisite: none)
Finite State Models: Language definitions preliminaries, Regular expressions/Regular languages, Finite automata (FAs), Transition graphs (TGs), NFAs, Kleene’s theorem, Transducers (automata with output), Pumping lemma and non-regular language Grammars and PDA: CFGs, Derivations, derivation trees and ambiguity, Simplifying CFLs, Normal form grammars and parsing, Decidability, Context sensitive languages, grammars and linear bounded automata (LBA), Chomsky’s hierarchy of grammars Turing Machines Theory: Turing machines, Post machine, Variations on TM, TM encoding, Universal Turing Machine, Defining Computers by TMs.
CY-4301T Wireless Networks and Security (Cr Hr 2+1)
(Prerequisite: CS-2215T)
Wireless and mobile security overview, design, planning, installation, and maintenance of wireless network security infrastructures. Diagnose distributed denial-of-service attacks and specify mitigation techniques. Vulnerabilities introduced into an infrastructure by wireless and cellular technologies. Security hardening techniques for wireless or mobile technologies. Compare and contrast the needs of law-enforcement versus individual right-to-privacy in wireless infrastructures. Produce a relevant wireless or mobile security team project.
Text Book:
CY-4306T Cyber Law & Cyber Crime (Cr Hr 3+0)
(Prerequisite: CS_2215T)
Introduction to cyber-Law & cyber Crime, sociological and socio-legal in content and approach. Different types of internet-related crime; study relevant computing and network technologies, especially where used either in the commission or detection or prevention of cybercrime; analyses policing, legal, electronic, and other measures designed to combat cybercrime and considers their main strengths and weaknesses; and assess recent sociological and socio-legal theories of cyberspace and apply these theories to the specific field of cybercrime. Sex offenders’ use of the internet, computer ‘hacking’; media piracy; the ways in which children might be better protected whilst online and cyber security.
CY-3205T Digital Forensics (Cr Hr 2+1)
An introduction to Digital Forensics; use of digital forensics; Key technical concepts; Challenges in Digital Forensics ; The Difference between Computer Experts and Digital Forensics Experts; Investigative Process Methodologies ; Education, Training, and Awareness; Laws, Standards, and Regulations; Ethics and Professional Conduct; Digital Evidence Management; Collecting evidence; Antiforensics; Network forensics; Mobile and Embedded Forensics; Cloud forensics; Internet Forensics; social media forensics; Investigation Methods for Collecting Digital Evidence; Digital Forensic Readiness; Digital forensics tools; Discovery of Computers and Storage Media; Discovery of Audio/ Video Evidence; Data Visualization; Data Sources; Graphing and Charting; Analyzing Data; Data Distributions; Analysis Scenarios; Data Visualization Tools.
CY-3102T Information Assurance (Cr Hr 2+1)
Introduction to (IS) Information System (Concept, Design, Functions, Architecture, Components and applications of IS); Secure System Planning and Administration; Information Security Policies and Procedures; Asset Management; Organizational and Human Security; Cyber Security Management Concepts; NIST Cyber Security Framework; Enterprise Roles and Structures; Strategic Planning; Security Plans and Policies; Contingency Planning; Laws; Laws and Regulatory Requirements; Security Standards and Controls, Risk Management Process, NIST Risk Management Framework, Security Metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs); Physical Security and Environmental Events; Contingency Planning; Security Education, ISO 27001 Compliance, Training, and Awareness.
CY-3101T Introduction to Cyber Security (Cr Hr 2+1)
Introduction to Cyber security; Networks and the Internet; cyber threat landscape; understanding security; information security Principles (Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability); Information Security Terminology; Who are the attackers; Advanced Persistent Threat (APT); Malware, types of malware; Attacks using malware; Malware Attack Lifecycle: Stages of Attack; Social engineering attacks; types of payload; Industrial Espionage in Cyberspace; Basic cryptography; Web application attacks; Database security; Cyber kill chain; Privacy and anonymity; Network security; Software security; Mobile device security; Mobile app security; Cyber Terrorism and Information Warfare; Introduction to Digital Forensics; Digital Forensics Categories.
CY-3203T Network Security (Cr Hr 2+1)
Introduction to network security, Networking Concepts and Protocols, Network Threats and Vulnerabilities, Network Security Planning and Policy, Access Control, Defense against Network Attacks, DOS and DDOS detection and prevention, Firewalls, Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems, Antivirus Filtering, Naming and DNS Security, DNSSEC, IP security, Secure Sockets Layer, VPN, Packet Sniffing and spoofing, Honeypot, Ethernet Security, Wireless Security, Wireless Attacks, Wireless LAN Security with 802.11i, Wireless Security Protocols, Wireless Intrusion Detection, Physical access and Security, Tor Network, Network Forensics. Defense against Network Attacks.
CY-3204T Secure Software Design and Development (Cr Hr 2+1)
Secure software concepts; System issues; System properties; Software Project Time Management; Software Project Costing; Software Quality Assurance; Security Concepts in the SDLC; Risk management; Security standards (e.g., coding standards, NIST standards, Federal Information Processing Standards); Best practices (e.g., OWASP development guide, OWASP code review guide, OWASP testing guide); Security methodologies (e.g., Socratic Methodology, Operationally Critical Threat, Asset, and Vulnerability Evaluation, STRIDE and DREAD, Open Source Security Testing Methodology Manual); Security frameworks (e.g., Zachman Framework, Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology, Sherwood Applied Business Security Architecture (SABSA)); Regulations- Privacy and Compliance; Security Models (e.g., BLP Confidentiality Model, Clark and Wilson Model (Access Triple Model)); Trusted Computing; Secure Software Requirements (Sources for Security Requirements, Types of Security Requirements); Secure Software Design (Design consideration, Information Technology Security Principles and Secure Design, Designing Secure Design Principles); Design Processes; Secure Software Implementation/Coding; Software Development Methodologies; Common Software Vulnerabilities and Controls; Defensive Coding Practices—Concepts and Techniques; Code Vulnerabilities and Avoiding Polymorphic Malware Attacks: Buffer overflow, Format string bug, Code vulnerabilities SQL Injection, Cross-site Scripting, Cross-site Request Forgery, Session management, Replication of vulnerabilities and exploitation; Secure Software Testing; Security Testing Methodologies; Software Security Testing; Software Acceptance; Legal Protection Mechanisms; Software Deployment- Operations- Maintenance and Disposal.
CY-4310T Vulnerability Assessment and Reverse Engineering (Cr Hr 2+1)
Understanding the need for security assessments; Classifying vulnerabilities; Software vulnerabilities; Network vulnerabilities; Vulnerability assessment versus penetration testing; Vulnerability Assessment Tools; Vulnerability management Regulatory compliance; Calculating ROIs; Application review process; Pre-assessment; Code navigation; Codeauditing tactics; Memory corruption; understanding issues in programming languages; Steps in Reverse engineering, Common tools used for Reverse engineering; Binary Obfuscation techniques; Understanding core assembly concepts to perform malicious code analysis, Identifying key assembly logic structures with a disassembler, Malware analysis Types of malware analysis; Malware Taxonomy; Static analysis; Dynamic analysis; Malware Inspection; Malware analysis tools; Sandboxing and virtualization.
Approved Fee Structure for BS (Cyber Security) Program
Following is the APPROVED fee structure for BS (Cyber Security) Program:
Fee Structure 2024-2025
Fee Head | Charges (Rs.) | ||||
Admission Charges (one time only) | 10,000 | ||||
Tutuion Fees (per semester) | (5000*17) 85000 | ||||
Security Deposit (Refundable) | 5,000 | ||||
Enrollment Fee (One Time Only) | 5,000 | ||||
Student Activity Fee (Per year) | 1,500 | ||||
Examination Fee (per semester) 10% increase Annually | 2,000 | ||||
Total Credits in Semester 1 | 17 | ||||
Per Credit Charges | 5,000 | ||||
Course Fee (Semester 1) | 85,000 | ||||
Documents Verification Fee (one time only) | 5,000 | ||||
TOTAL (at the time of admission) | Rs.113,500/ | ||||
Registration Fees | Rs.1,000/ | ||||
Tution Fees are subject to yearly revision depanding on inflation and cost of living index |
S.No | Particulars | ||||
1 | Transcript | PKR 2500 | |||
2 | Duplicate | PKR 2000 | |||
3 | Partial Transcript | PKR 1500 | |||
4 | Degree (without convocation charges) | PKR 10,000 | |||
5 | Urgent Degree | PKR 15,000 | |||
6 | Degree Charges for Overseas Candidates | US $100 (by Bank Draft) | |||
7 | Duplicate Degree | PKR 10,000 | |||
8 | Transcript/Degree Verification Charges | PKR 1500 | |||
The above charges can be revised* |
Minimum 50% marks in Intermediate/12 years schooling/A- Level (HSSC) or Equivalent with Mathematics are required for admission in BS (Cyber Security) Program.
The students who have not studied Mathematics at intermediate level have to pass deficiency courses of Mathematics (06 credits) in First Year.
Program Education Outcomes
PEOs of BS in Cyber Security (BS-CyS)
Program Learning Outcomes
PLOs of BS in Cyber Security (BS-CyS)
S# | Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) | Computing Professional Graduate |
1 | Academic Education | To prepare graduates as computing professionals |
2 | Knowledge for Solving Computing Problems | Apply knowledge of computing fundamentals, knowledge of a computing specialization, and mathematics, science, and domain knowledge appropriate for the computing specialization to the abstraction and conceptualization of computing models from defined problems and requirements. |
3 | Problem Analysis | Identify, formulate, research literature, and solve complex computing problems reaching substantiated conclusions using fundamental principles of mathematics, computing sciences, and relevant domain disciplines. |
4 | Design/ Development of Solutions | Design and evaluate solutions for complex computing problems, and design and evaluate systems, components, or processes that meet specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal, and environmental considerations. |
5 | Modern Tool Usage | Create, select, adapt and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern computing tools to complex computing activities, with an understanding of the limitations. |
6 | Individual and Team Work | Function effectively as an individual and as a member or leader in diverse teams and in multi-disciplinary settings. |
7 | Communication | Communicate effectively with the computing community and with society at large about complex computing activities by being able to comprehend and write effective reports, design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and understand clear instructions. |
8 | Computing Professionalism and Society | Understand and assess societal, health, safety, legal, and cultural issues within local and global contexts, and the consequential responsibilities relevant to professional computing practice |
9 | Ethics | Understand and commit to professional ethics, responsibilities, and norms of professional computing practice |
10 | Life-long Learning | Recognize the need, and have the ability, to engage in independent learning for continual development as a computing professional |
Mission (BS-Cyber Security)
Bachelor of Science in Cyber Security (BS-CyS)
Total Credit Hours: 130
Duration: 4 Years (8 Semesters)
Semester 1
Code | Course Title | Credit Hours | Prerequisite |
SS-1101T | Ideology and Constitution of Pakistan | 2+0 | None |
CS-1101T | Programming Fundamentals | 3+0 | None |
CS-1101L | Programming Fundamentals | 0+1 | None |
MT-1101T | Linear Algebra | 3+0 | None |
NS-1101T | Applied Physics | 3+0 | None |
CS-1102T | Application of Information & Communication Technologies | 2+0 | None |
CS-1102L | Application of Information & Communication Technologies | 0+1 | None |
SS-1102T/ SS-1103T | Islamic Studies / Ethical Behaviour | 2+0 | None |
MT-1100T | Foundation Mathematics – I | 3+0 (NC) | None |
Total | 17 |
Code | Course Title | Credit Hours | Prerequisite |
MT-1202T | Calculus & Analytical Geometry | 3+0 | None |
SS-1204T | Functional English | 3+0 | None |
EE-1201T | Digital Logic Design | 2+0 | None |
EE-1201L | Digital Logic Design | 0+1 | None |
CS-1203T | Object Oriented Programming | 3+0 | CS-1101T |
CS-1203L | Object Oriented Programming | 0+1 | CS-1101T |
MG-12XX | Social Science Elective-I | 3+0 | None |
MT-1200T | Foundation Mathematics – II | 3+0 (NC) | None |
Total | 16 |
Code | Course Title | Credit Hours | Prerequisite |
CS-2104T | Data Structures & Algorithms | 3+0 | CS-1101T |
CS-2104L | Data Structures & Algorithms | 0+1 | CS-1101T |
CS-2105T | Discrete Structures | 3+0 | None |
SS-2105T | Expository Writing | 2+0 | None |
CS-2106T | Computer Organization & Assembly Language | 2+0 | EE-1201T |
CS-2106L | Computer Organization & Assembly Language | 0+1 | EE-1201T |
MT-2103T | Probability & Statistics | 3+0 | None |
Total | 16 |
Code | Course Title | Credit Hours | Prerequisite |
CS-2113T | Computer Networks | 2+0 | None |
CS-2113L | Computer Networks | 0+1 | None |
CS-2208T | Introduction to Operating Systems | 2+0 | CS-2104T |
CS-2208L | Introduction to Operating Systems | 0+1 | CS-2104T |
CS-2209T | Database Systems | 3+0 | None |
CS-2209L | Database Systems Lab | 0+1 | None |
CS-2216T | Information Security | 2+0 | None |
CS-2216L | Information Security | 0+1 | None |
MT-2204T | Multivariable calculus | 3+0 | MT-1202T |
Total | 16 |
Semester V
Code | Course Title | Credit Hours | Prerequisite |
CY-3101T | Introduction to Cyber Security | 2+0 | CS-2216T |
CY-3101L | Introduction to Cyber Security | 0+1 | CS-2216T |
SS-2106T | Technical Report Writing | 3+0 | SS-2105T |
CS-2210T | Software Engineering | 3+0 | None |
CY-3102T | Information Assurance | 2+0 | None |
CY-3102L | Information Assurance | 0+1 | None |
CS-2215T | Artificial Intelligence | 2+0 | None |
CS-2215L | Artificial Intelligence | 0+1 | CS-2210T |
SS-2107T | Civics and Community Engagement | 2+0 | None |
Total | 17 |
Semester VI
Code | Course Title | Credit Hours | Prerequisite |
CY-3203T | Network Security | 2+0 | CS-2113T |
CY-3203L | Network Security | 0+1 | CS-2113T |
CY-3204T | Secure Software Design and Development | 2+0 | CS-3101T |
CY-3204L | Secure Software Design and Development | 0+1 | CS-3101T |
CY-43XX | CyS Elective-I | 3+0/2+1 | None |
CS-2217T | Design & Analysis of Algorithms | 3+0 | CS-2104T |
CY-3205T | Digital Forensics | 2+1 | CS-3101T |
CY-3205L | Digital Forensics | 0+1 | CS-3101T |
SS-22XX | Social Science Elective-II | 2+0 | None |
Total | 17 |
Semester VII
Code | Course Title | Credit Hours | Prerequisite |
CY-43XX | CyS Elective-II | 3+0/2+1 | None |
CY-43XX | CyS Elective-III | 3+0/2+1 | None |
CY-4150P | Final Year Project-I | 0+3 | None |
CY-43XX | CyS Elective-IV | 3+0/2+1 | None |
SS-4108T | Enterpreneurship | 2+0 | None |
SS-4109T | Professional Practices | 2+0 | None |
Total | 16 |
Semester VIII
Code | Course Title | Credit Hours | Prerequisite |
CY-43XX | CyS Elective-V | 3+0/2+1 | None |
CY-43XX | CyS Elective-VI | 3+0/2+1 | None |
CY-4250P | Final Year Project-II | 0+3 | CY-4150P |
CS-2217T | Parallel & Distributed Computing | 3+0 | CS-2213T |
CY-43XX | CyS Elective-VII | 3+0/2+1 | None |
Total | 15 |
BS-SE Elective Courses
Proposed List of General Elective Courses | |||
Code | Course Title | Credit Hours | Prerequisite |
CY-4301T | Wireless Networks and Security | 2+0 | CS-2113T |
CY-4301L | Wireless Networks and Security | 0+1 | CS-2113T |
CY-4302T | HCI & Computer Graphiscs | 2+0 | None |
CY-4302L | HCI & Computer Graphiscs | 0+1 | None |
CY-4303T | Theory Of Automata | 3+0 | CS-2105T |
CY-4304T | Hardware Securitys | 2+0 | EE-1201T |
CY-4304L | Hardware Security | 0+1 | EE-1201T |
CY-4305T | Malware Analysis | 2+0 | CS-2113T |
CY-4305L | Malware Analysis | 0+1 | CS-2113T |
CY-4306T | Cyber Law and Cyber Crime | 3+0 | None |
CY-4307T | Control System Security | 2+0 | None |
CY-4307L | Control System Security | 0+1 | None |
CY-4308T | Computer Architecture | 3+0 | EE-1201T |
CY-4309T | Embedded Systems | 2+0 | EE-1201T |
CY-4309L | Embedded Systems | 0+1 | EE-1201T |
CY-4310T | Vulnerability Assessment & Reverse Engineering | 2+0 | CS-2113T |
CY-4310L | Vulnerability Assessment & Reverse Engineeringt | 0+1 | CS-2113T |
CY-4311T | Penetration Testing | 2+0 | CS-2113T |
CY-4311L | Penetration Testing | 0+1 | CS-2113T |
CY-4312T | Ethical Hacking | 0+1 | CS-2113T |
CY-4312L | Ethical Hacking | 0+1 | CS-2113T |
Social Sciences Elective Courses | |||
Code | Course Title | Credit Hours | Prerequisite |
MG-1201T | Economics and Management | 3+0 | None |
MG-1202T | Principles of Marketing | 3+0 | None |
MG-1203T | Introduction to Accounting and Finance | 3+0 | None |
SS-3107T | Psychology | 3+0 | None |
SS-4209T | Organizational Behaviour | 3+0 | None |
SS-4210T | Foreign Language | 3+0 | None |
* Foundation Mathematics – I (3+0) and Foundation Mathematics – II (3+0) will be offered in semester I and II for HSC Pre-Medical/Other discipline-based Student
*The students after successful completion of 04 semesters in BS Cyber Security Program may exit with Associate Degree in Cyber Security subject to completion of all requirements for the award of associate degree, i.e., Credit Hours, CGPA, and compulsory courses. The minimum credits for award of Associate Degree is 72 Credit Hours.
Course Outlines of BS in Cyber Security (BS-CyS):
SS-1101T: Ideology and Constitution of Pakistan (Cr Hr 2+0)
(Prerequisite: none)
Historical background of Pakistan: Muslim society in Indo-Pakistan, the movement led by the societies, the downfall of Islamic society, the establishment of British Raj- Causes and consequences. Political evolution of Muslims in the twentieth century: Sir Syed Ahmed Khan; Muslim League; Nehru; Allama Iqbal: Independence Movement; Lahore Resolution; Pakistan culture and society, Constitutional and Administrative issues, Pakistan and its geopolitical dimension, Pakistan and International Affairs, Pakistan and the challenges ahead.
CS-1101T: Programming Fundamentals (Cr Hr 3+1)
(Prerequisite: none)
Introduction to problem solving, a brief review of Von-Neumann architecture, Introduction to programming, role of compiler and linker, introduction to algorithms, basic data types and variables, input/output constructs, arithmetic, comparison and logical operators, conditional statements and execution flow for conditional statements, repetitive statements and execution flow for repetitive statements, lists and their memory organization, multi-dimensional lists, introduction to modular programming, function definition and calling, stack rolling and unrolling, string and string operations, pointers/references, static and dynamic memory allocation, File I/O operations.
MT-1101T: Linear Algebra (Cr Hr 3+0)
(Prerequisite: none)
Algebra of linear transformations and matrices. determinants, rank, systems of equations, vector spaces, orthogonal transformations, linear dependence, linear Independence and bases, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, characteristic equations, Inner product space and quadratic forms.
NS-1101T: Applied Physics (Cr Hr 3+0)
(Prerequisite: none)
Electric force and its applications and related problems, conservation of charge, charge quantization, Electric fields due to point charge and lines of force. Ring of charge, Disk of charge, A point charge in an electric field, Dipole in a n electric field, The flux of vector field, The flux of electric field, Gauss’ Law, Application of Gauss’ Law, Spherically symmetric charge distribution, A charge isolated conductor, Electric potential energy, Electric potentials, Calculating the potential from the field and related problem Potential due to point and continuous charge distribution, Potential due to dipole, equipotential surfaces, Calculating the field from the potential , Electric current, Current density, Resistance, Resistivity and conductivity, Ohm’s law and its applications, The Hall effect, The magnetic force on a current, The Biot- Savart law, Line of B, Two parallel conductors, Amperes’ s Law, Solenoid, Toroids,
Faraday’s experiments, Faraday’s Law of Induction, Lenz’s law, Motional emf, Induced electric field, Induced electric fields, The basic equation of electromagnetism, Induced Magnetic field, The displacement current, Reflection and Refraction of light waves, Total internal reflection, Two source interference, Double Slit interference, related problems, Interference from thin films, Diffraction and the wave theory, related problems, Single-Slit Diffraction, related problems, Polarization of electromagnetic waves, Polarizing sheets, related problems.
CS-1102T: Application of Information & Communication Technologies
(Cr Hr 2+1) (Prerequisite: none)
Brief history of Computer, Four Stages of History, Computer Elements, Processor, Memory, Hardware, Software, Application Software its uses and Limitations, System Software its Importance and its Types, Types of Computer (Super, Mainframe, Mini and Micro Computer), Introduction to CBIS (Computer Based Information System), Methods of Input and Processing, Class2. Organizing Computer Facility, Centralized Computing Facility, Distributed Computing Facility, Decentralized Computing Facility, Input Devices. Keyboard and its Types, Terminal (Dump, Smart, Intelligent), Dedicated Data Entry, SDA (Source Data Automation), Pointing Devices, Voice Input, Output Devices. Soft- Hard Copies, Monitors and its Types, Printers and its Types, Plotters, Computer Virus and its Forms, Storage Units, Primary and Secondary Memories, RAM and its Types, Cache, Hard Disks, Working of Hard Disk, Diskettes, RAID, Optical Disk Storages (DVD, CD ROM), Magnetic Types, Backup System, Data Communications, Data Communication Model, Data Transmission, Digital and Analog Transmission, Modems, Asynchronous and Synchronous Transmission, Simplex. Half Duplex, Full Duplex Transmission, Communications, Medias (Cables, Wireless), Protocols, Network Topologies (Star, Bus, Ring), LAN, LAN, Internet, A Brief History, Birthplace of ARPA Net, Web Link, Browser, Internet Services provider and Online Services Providers, Function and Features of Browser, Search Engines, Some Common Services available on Internet.
SS-1102T: Islamic Studies (Cr Hr 2+0)
(Prerequisite: none)
Basic Themes of Quran, Introduction to Sciences of Hadith, Introduction to Islamic Jurisprudence, Primary & Secondary Sources of Islamic Law, Makken & Madnian life of the Prophet, Islamic Economic System, Political theories, Social System of Islam. Definition of Akhlaq.The Most Important Characters mentioned in the Holy Qur’an and Sunnah, SIDQ (Truthfulness)Generosity Tawakkaul(trust on Allah)Patience Taqua (piety). Haqooq ul ibad in the light of Quran & Hadith – the important characteristic of Islamic Society.
SS-1103T: Ethical Behavior (Cr Hr 2+0)
(Prerequisite: none)
Scope and methods of Ethics: Ethics and religion; Ethical teachings of world religions; Basic moral concepts, right and wrong, good and evil; Outline of ethical systems in philosophy; Hedonism, utilitarianism, rationalism, self realization theories, Intuitionism; Islamic moral theory: Ethics of Quran and its philosophical basis, ethical percepts of Quran and Hadith and promotion of moral values in society.
MT-1202T: Calculus and Analytical Geometry (Cr Hr 3+0)
(Prerequisite: none)
Limits and Continuity; Introduction to functions, Introduction to limits, Techniques of funding limits, Indeterminate forms of limits, Continuous and discontinuous functions and their applications, Differential calculus; Concept and idea of differentiation, Geometrical and Physical meaning of derivatives, Rules of differentiation, Techniques of differentiation, Rates of change, Tangents and Normals lines, Chain rule, implicit differentiation, linear approximation, Applications of differentiation; Extreme value functions, Mean value theorems, Maxima and Minima of a function for single-variable, Concavity, Integral calculus; Concept and idea of Integration, Indefinite Integrals, Techniques of integration, Riemann sums and Definite Integrals, Applications of definite integrals, Improper integral, Applications of Integration; Area under the curve, Analytical Geometry; Straight lines in R3, Equations for planes.
SS-1204T: Functional English (Cr Hr 3+0)
(Prerequisite: none)
Paragraph and Essay Writing, Descriptive Essays; Sentence Errors, Persuasive Writing; How
to give presentations, Sentence Errors; Oral Presentations, Comparison and Contrast Essays,
Dialogue Writing, Short Story Writing, Review Writing, Narrative Essays, Letter Writing.
CS-1203T: Object Oriented Programming (Cr Hr 3+1)
(Prerequisite: CS-1101T)
Introduction to object oriented design, history and advantages of object oriented design, introduction to object oriented programming concepts, classes, objects, data encapsulation, constructors, destructors, access modifiers, const vs non-const functions, static data members & functions, function overloading, operator overloading, identification of classes and their relationships, composition, aggregation, inheritance, multiple inheritance, polymorphism, abstract classes and interfaces, generic programming concepts, function & class templates, standard template library, object streams, data and object serialization using object streams, exception handling.
EE-1201T: Digital Logic Design (Cr Hr 3+1)
(Prerequisite: none)
Number Systems, Logic Gates, Boolean Algebra, Combination logic circuits and designs, Simplification Methods (K-Map, Quinn Mc-Cluskey method), Flip Flops and Latches, Asynchronous and Synchronous circuits, Counters, Shift Registers, Counters, Triggered devices & its types. Binary Arithmetic and Arithmetic Circuits, Memory Elements, State Machines. Introduction Programmable Logic Devices (CPLD, FPGA); Lab Assignments using tools such as Verilog HDL/VHDL, MultiSim.
CS-2104T: Data Structure & Algorithms (Cr Hr 3+1)
(Prerequisite: CS-1101T)
Abstract data types, complexity analysis, Big Oh notation, Stacks (linked lists and array implementations), Recursion and analyzing recursive algorithms, divide and conquer algorithms, Sorting algorithms (selection, insertion, merge, quick, bubble, heap, shell, radix, bucket), queue, dequeuer, priority queues (linked and array implementations of queues), linked list & its various types, sorted linked list, searching an unsorted array, binary search for sorted arrays, hashing and indexing, open addressing and chaining, trees and tree traversals, binary search trees, heaps, M-way tress, balanced trees, graphs, breadth-first and depth-first traversal, topological order, shortest path, adjacency matrix and adjacency list implementations, memory management and garbage collection.
CS-2105T: Discrete Structures (Cr Hr 3+0)
(Prerequisite: none)
Mathematical reasoning, propositional and predicate logic, rules of inference, proof by induction, proof by contraposition, proof by contradiction, proof by implication, set theory, relations, equivalence relations and partitions, partial orderings, recurrence relations, functions, mappings, function composition, inverse functions, recursive functions, Number Theory, sequences, series, counting, inclusion and exclusion principle, pigeonhole principle, permutations and combinations, elements of graph theory, planar graphs, graph coloring, euler graph, Hamiltonian path, rooted trees, traversals.
SS-2105T: Expository Writing (Cr Hr 3+0)
(Prerequisite: none)
Principles of writing good English, understanding the composition process: writing clearly; words, sentence and paragraphs; Comprehension and expression; Use of grammar and punctuation. Process of writing, observing, audience collecting, composing, drafting and revising, persuasive writing, reading skills, listening skills and comprehension, skills for taking notes in class, skills for exams; Business communications; planning messages, writing concise but with impact. Letter formats, mechanics of business, letter writing, letters, memo and applications, summaries, proposals, writing resumes, styles and formats, oral communications, verbal and non-verbal communication, conducting meetings, small group communication, taking minutes. Presentation skills; presentation strategies, defining the objective, scope and audience of the presentation, material gathering material organization strategies, time management, opening and concluding, use of audio-visual aids, delivery and presentation.
CS-2106T: Computer Organization & Assembly Language (Cr Hr 2+1)
(Prerequisite: EE-1201T)
Introduction to computer systems: Information is bits + context, programs are translated by other programs into different forms, it pays to understand how compilation systems work, processors read and interpret instructions stored in memory, caches matter, storage devices form a hierarchy, the operating system manages the hardware, systems communicate with other systems using networks; Representing and manipulating information: information storage, integer representations, integer arithmetic, floating point; Machine-level representation of programs: a historical perspective, program encodings, data formats, accessing information, arithmetic and logical operations, control, procedures, array allocation and access, heterogeneous data structures, putting it together: understanding pointers, life in the real world: using the gdb debugger, outof-bounds memory references and buffer overflow, x86-64: extending ia32 to 64 bits, machine-level representations of floating-point programs; Processor architecture: the Y86 instruction set architecture, logic design and the Hardware Control Language (HCL), sequential Y86 implementations, general principles of pipelining, pipelined Y86 implementations.
CS-2207T: Theory of Automata & Formal Languages (Cr Hr 3+0)
(Prerequisite: none)
Finite State Models: Language definitions preliminaries, Regular expressions/Regular languages, Finite automata (FAs), Transition graphs (TGs), NFAs, Kleene’s theorem, Transducers (automata with output), Pumping lemma and non-regular language Grammars and PDA: CFGs, Derivations, derivation trees and ambiguity, Simplifying CFLs, Normal form grammars and parsing, Decidability, Context sensitive languages, grammars and linear bounded automata (LBA), Chomsky’s hierarchy of grammars Turing Machines Theory: Turing machines, Post machine, Variations on TM, TM encoding, Universal Turing Machine, Defining Computers by TMs.
CS-2208T: Introduction to Operating Systems (Cr Hr 2+1)
(Prerequisite: CS-2104T)
Operating systems basics, system calls, process concept and scheduling, inter-process communication, multithreaded programming, multithreading models, threading issues, process scheduling algorithms, thread scheduling, multiple-processor scheduling, synchronization, critical section, synchronization hardware, synchronization problems, deadlocks, detecting and recovering from deadlocks, memory management, swapping, contiguous memory allocation, segmentation & paging, virtual memory management, demand paging, thrashing, memory-mapped files, file systems, file concept, directory and disk structure, directory implementation, free space management, disk structure and scheduling, swap space management, system protection, virtual machines, operating system security.
CS-2209T: Database Systems (Cr Hr 3+1)
(Prerequisite: none)
Basic database concepts, Database approach vs file based system, database architecture, three level schema architecture, data independence, relational data model, attributes, schemas, tuples, domains, relation instances, keys of relations, integrity constraints, relational algebra, selection, projection, Cartesian product, types of joins, normalization, functional dependencies, normal forms, entity relationship model, entity sets, attributes, relationship, entity-relationship diagrams, Structured Query Language (SQL), Joins and sub-queries in SQL, Grouping and aggregation in SQL, concurrency control, database backup and recovery, indexes, NoSQL systems.
CS-2210T: Software Engineering (Cr Hr 3+0)
(Prerequisite: none)
Nature of Software, Overview of Software Engineering, Professional software development, Software engineering practice, Software process structure, Software process models, Agile software Development, Agile process models, Agile development techniques, Requirements engineering process, Functional and non-functional requirements, Context models, Interaction models, Structural models, behavioral models, model driven engineering, Architectural design, Design and implementation, UML diagrams, Design patterns, Software testing and quality assurance, Software evolution, Project management and project planning, configuration management, Software Process improvement.
MT-2204: Multivariable Calculus (Cr Hr 3+0)
(Prerequisite: MT-1202T)
Functions of Several Variables and Partial Differentiation. Multiple Integrals, Line and Surface Integrals. Green’s and Stoke’s Theorem. Fourier Series: periodic functions, Functions of any period P-2L, Even & odd functions, Half Range expansions, Fourier Transform; Laplace Transform, Z-Transform.
CS-2211T: Compiler Construction (Cr Hr 2+1)
(Prerequisite: CS-2207T)
Compiler Techniques and Methodology: Organization of Compilers, Lexical and Syntax Analysis, Parsing techniques, Object code generation and optimization, detection and recovery from errors. Contrast between compilers and interpreters.
SS-2106T: Technical Report Writing (Cr Hr 3+0)
(Prerequisite: SS-2105T)
Overview of technical reporting, use of library and information gathering, administering questionnaires, reviewing the gathered information; Technical exposition; topical arrangement, exemplification, definition, classification and division, casual analysis, effective exposition, technical narration, description and argumentation, persuasive strategy, Organizing information and generation solution: brainstorming, organizing material, construction of the formal outline, outlining conventions, electronic communication, generation solutions. Polishing style: paragraphs, listening sentence structure, clarity, length and order, pomposity, empty words, pompous vocabulary, document design: document structure, preamble, summaries, abstracts, table of contents, footnotes, glossaries, cross-referencing, plagiarism, citation and bibliography, glossaries, index, appendices, typesetting systems, creating the professional report; elements, mechanical elements and graphical elements. Reports: Proposals, progress reports, Leaflets, brochures, handbooks, magazines articles, research papers, feasibility reports, project reports, technical research reports, manuals and documentation, thesis. Electronic documents, Linear verses hierarchical structure documents.
MT-3105T: Probability and Statistics (Cr Hr 3+0)
(Prerequisite: none)
Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis, Statistical Inference, Samples, Populations, and the Role of Probability. Sampling Procedures. Discrete and Continuous Data. Statistical Modeling. Types of Statistical Studies. Probability: Sample Space, Events, Counting Sample Points, Probability of an Event, Additive Rules, Conditional Probability, Independence, and the Product Rule, Bayes’ Rule. Random Variables and Probability Distributions. Mathematical Expectation: Mean of a Random Variable, Variance and Covariance of Random Variables, Means and Variances of Linear Combinations of Random Variables, Chebyshev’s Theorem. Discrete Probability Distributions. Continuous Probability Distributions. Fundamental Sampling Distributions and Data Descriptions: Random Sampling, Sampling Distributions, Sampling Distribution of Means and the Central Limit Theorem. Sampling Distribution of S2, t-Distribution, FQuantile and Probability Plots. Single Sample & One- and Two-Sample Estimation Problems. Single Sample & One- and Two-Sample Tests of Hypotheses. The Use of PValues for Decision Making in Testing Hypotheses (Single Sample & One- and Two Sample Tests), Linear Regression and Correlation. Least Squares and the Fitted Model, Multiple Linear Regression and Certain, Nonlinear Regression Models, Linear Regression Model Using Matrices, Properties of the Least Squares Estimators.
CS-2213T: Computer Networks (Cr Hr 2+1)
(Prerequisite: none)
Introduction and protocols architecture, basic concepts of networking, network topologies, layered architecture, physical layer functionality, data link layer functionality, multiple access techniques, circuit switching and packet switching, LAN technologies, wireless networks, MAC addressing, networking devices, network layer protocols, IPv4 and IPv6, IP addressing, sub netting, CIDR, routing protocols, transport layer protocols, ports and sockets, connection establishment, flow and congestion control, application layer protocols, latest trends in computer networks.
CS-3701T: Web Engineering (Cr Hr 2+1)
(Prerequisite: none)
Web programming languages (e.g., HTML5, CSS 3, Java Script, PHP/JSP/ASP.Net), Design principles of Web based applications, Web platform constraints, Software as a Service (SaaS), Web standards, Responsive Web Design, Web Applications, Browser/Server Communication, Storage Tier, Cookies and Sessions, Input Validation, Full stack state management, Web App Security – Browser Isolation, Network Attacks, Session Attacks, Large scale applications, Performance of Web Applications, Data Centers, Web Testing and Web Maintenance.
CS-2214T: Artificial Intelligence (Cr Hr 2+1)
(Prerequisite: none)
An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and its applications towards Knowledge Based Systems; Introduction to Reasoning and Knowledge Representation, Problem Solving by Searching (Informed searching, Uninformed searching, Heuristics, Local searching, Minmax algorithm, Alpha beta pruning, Game-playing); Case Studies: General Problem Solver, Eliza, Student, Macsyma; Learning from examples; ANN and Natural Language Processing; Recent trends in AI and applications of AI algorithms. Python programming language will be used to explore and illustrate various issues and techniques in Artificial Intelligence.
CS-2215T: Information Security (Cr Hr 2+1)
(Prerequisite: none)
Information security foundations, security design principles; security mechanisms, symmetric and asymmetric cryptography, encryption, hash functions, digital signatures, key management, authentication and access control; software security, vulnerabilities and protections, malware, database security; network security, firewalls, intrusion detection; security policies, policy formation and enforcement, risk assessment, cybercrime, law and ethics in information security, privacy and anonymity of data.
MT-3206T: Numerical Computing (Cr Hr 3+0)
(Prerequisite: none)
Mathematical preliminaries and error analysis, round-off errors and computer arithmetic, Calculate Divided Differences. Use Divided-difference Table. Find Newton’s Interpolation Polynomial. Calculate Interpolation with Equally Spaced Data. Find the Difference Table. Calculate, Newton’s Forward & Backward Difference Formulae. Use Gauss Formulae. Use Stirling’s Interpolation Formula. Use Bessel’s Interpolation Formula. Use Everett’s Interpolation Formula. Solve Nonlinear Equations. Solve Equations by Bisection Method. Solve Equations by Regula Falsi Method. Solve Equations by Secant Method. Solve Equations by Newton-Raphson Method. Find Fixed Point Iteration. Solve Equations by Jacobi Iterative Methods. Solve Equations by Gauss Seidel Method Calculate Numerical Differentiation. Find Numerical Differentiation Formulae Based on Equally Spaced Data. Find Numerical Differentiation Based on Newton’s Forward Differences. Find Numerical Differentiation Based on Newton’s Backward Differences. Find Numerical Differentiation Based on Stirling’s Formula. Find Numerical Differentiation Based on Bessel’s Formula. Find Numerical Differentiation Based on Lagrange’s Formula. Calculate Error Analysis of Differentiation Formulae. Solve Richardson Extrapolation. Calculate Numerical Integration. Use Trapezoidal Rule with Error Term. Use Simpson’s 1/3 Rule with Error Term. Use Simpson’s 3/8 Rule with Error Term. Use Composite Numerical Integration. Use Composite Trapezoidal Rule. Use Composite Simpson’s Rule. Find Richardson’s Extrapolation. Find Newton-Cotes Closed Quadrature Formulae.
CS-2216T: Design & Analysis of Algorithms (Cr Hr 3+0)
(Prerequisite: none)
Introduction; role of algorithms in computing, Analysis on nature of input and size of input Asymptotic notations; Big-O, Big Ω, Big Θ, little-o, little-ω, Sorting Algorithm analysis, loop invariants, Recursion and recurrence relations; Algorithm Design Techniques, Brute Force Approach, Divide-and-conquer approach; Merge, Quick Sort, Greedy approach; Dynamic programming; Elements of Dynamic Programming, Search trees; Heaps; Hashing; Graph algorithms, shortest paths, sparse graphs, String matching; Introduction to complexity classes.
CS-4150P: Final Year Project (Cr Hr 0+3)
To give the students the chance for enhancing their theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of research and development.
MG-1201: Economics and Management (Cr Hr 3+0)
(Prerequisite: none)
Introduction: Basic concept and Principles of Economics, Microeconomic theory, the problems of scarcity, Concept of Engineering Economy.
Economic Environment: Consumer and producer goods, goods and services, demand & supply concept. Equilibrium, elasticity of demand, elasticity of supply, measures of Economic worth. Price-supply-demand relationships. Perfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition and oligopoly, Fundamentals of Marketing. Elementary Financial Analysis: Basic accounting equation. Development and interpretation of financial statement-Income statement, Balance sheet and cash flow. Working capital management. Break Even Analysis: Revenue/cost terminologies, behavior of costs. Determination of costs/revenues. Numerical and graphical presentations. Practical applications. BEA as a management tool for achieving financial / operation efficiency.
Selection Between Alternatives: Time value of money and financial internal rate of return. Present Value, future value and annuities. Cost-benefit analysis, selection amongst materials, techniques, design etc. Investment philosophy. Investment alternatives having identical lives. Alternatives having different lives. Make or buy decisions and replacement decisions.
Value Analysis/Value Engineering: Value analysis procedures. Value engineering procedures. Value analysis versus value engineering. Advantages and applications in different areas. Value analysis in designing and purchasing. Linear Programming problems, graphic solution simplex procedure. Duality problem.
Depreciation and Taxes: Depreciation concept, economic life, methods of depreciations, profit and returns on capital, productivity of capital gain (loss) on the disposal of an asset, depreciation as a tax shield. Business Organization: Type of ownership, single ownership, partnerships, corporation, type of stocks and joint stock companies banking and specialized credit institutions. Capital Financing & Allocation: Capital budgeting, allocation of capital among independent projects, financing with debt capital, financing with equity capital trading on equity, financial leveraging.
SS-4109: Entrepreneurship (Cr Hr 3+0)
(Prerequisite: none)
Entrepreneurship and the Entrepreneurial mind-set. Entrepreneurial intentions and corporate Entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurial strategy. Generating exploiting new entries. Creativity and the business ideas. Identifying and analyzing domestic and international opportunities. Intellectual property and other legal issues for the Entrepreneur. The business plan. Creating and starting the venture. The Marketing plan. The Organizational plan. The Financial plan. Sources of capital. Informal risk capital, venture capital and going public. Strategies for growth and managing the implication of growth. Succession planning and strategies for harvesting and ending the venture.
Course Outlines of Domain Elective and Elective Courses of BS (Cyber Security)
CS-2207T: Theory of Automata & Formal Languages (Cr Hr 3+0)
(Prerequisite: none)
Finite State Models: Language definitions preliminaries, Regular expressions/Regular languages, Finite automata (FAs), Transition graphs (TGs), NFAs, Kleene’s theorem, Transducers (automata with output), Pumping lemma and non-regular language Grammars and PDA: CFGs, Derivations, derivation trees and ambiguity, Simplifying CFLs, Normal form grammars and parsing, Decidability, Context sensitive languages, grammars and linear bounded automata (LBA), Chomsky’s hierarchy of grammars Turing Machines Theory: Turing machines, Post machine, Variations on TM, TM encoding, Universal Turing Machine, Defining Computers by TMs.
CY-4301T Wireless Networks and Security (Cr Hr 2+1)
(Prerequisite: CS-2215T)
Wireless and mobile security overview, design, planning, installation, and maintenance of wireless network security infrastructures. Diagnose distributed denial-of-service attacks and specify mitigation techniques. Vulnerabilities introduced into an infrastructure by wireless and cellular technologies. Security hardening techniques for wireless or mobile technologies. Compare and contrast the needs of law-enforcement versus individual right-to-privacy in wireless infrastructures. Produce a relevant wireless or mobile security team project.
Text Book:
CY-4306T Cyber Law & Cyber Crime (Cr Hr 3+0)
(Prerequisite: CS_2215T)
Introduction to cyber-Law & cyber Crime, sociological and socio-legal in content and approach. Different types of internet-related crime; study relevant computing and network technologies, especially where used either in the commission or detection or prevention of cybercrime; analyses policing, legal, electronic, and other measures designed to combat cybercrime and considers their main strengths and weaknesses; and assess recent sociological and socio-legal theories of cyberspace and apply these theories to the specific field of cybercrime. Sex offenders’ use of the internet, computer ‘hacking’; media piracy; the ways in which children might be better protected whilst online and cyber security.
CY-3205T Digital Forensics (Cr Hr 2+1)
An introduction to Digital Forensics; use of digital forensics; Key technical concepts; Challenges in Digital Forensics ; The Difference between Computer Experts and Digital Forensics Experts; Investigative Process Methodologies ; Education, Training, and Awareness; Laws, Standards, and Regulations; Ethics and Professional Conduct; Digital Evidence Management; Collecting evidence; Antiforensics; Network forensics; Mobile and Embedded Forensics; Cloud forensics; Internet Forensics; social media forensics; Investigation Methods for Collecting Digital Evidence; Digital Forensic Readiness; Digital forensics tools; Discovery of Computers and Storage Media; Discovery of Audio/ Video Evidence; Data Visualization; Data Sources; Graphing and Charting; Analyzing Data; Data Distributions; Analysis Scenarios; Data Visualization Tools.
CY-3102T Information Assurance (Cr Hr 2+1)
Introduction to (IS) Information System (Concept, Design, Functions, Architecture, Components and applications of IS); Secure System Planning and Administration; Information Security Policies and Procedures; Asset Management; Organizational and Human Security; Cyber Security Management Concepts; NIST Cyber Security Framework; Enterprise Roles and Structures; Strategic Planning; Security Plans and Policies; Contingency Planning; Laws; Laws and Regulatory Requirements; Security Standards and Controls, Risk Management Process, NIST Risk Management Framework, Security Metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs); Physical Security and Environmental Events; Contingency Planning; Security Education, ISO 27001 Compliance, Training, and Awareness.
CY-3101T Introduction to Cyber Security (Cr Hr 2+1)
Introduction to Cyber security; Networks and the Internet; cyber threat landscape; understanding security; information security Principles (Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability); Information Security Terminology; Who are the attackers; Advanced Persistent Threat (APT); Malware, types of malware; Attacks using malware; Malware Attack Lifecycle: Stages of Attack; Social engineering attacks; types of payload; Industrial Espionage in Cyberspace; Basic cryptography; Web application attacks; Database security; Cyber kill chain; Privacy and anonymity; Network security; Software security; Mobile device security; Mobile app security; Cyber Terrorism and Information Warfare; Introduction to Digital Forensics; Digital Forensics Categories.
CY-3203T Network Security (Cr Hr 2+1)
Introduction to network security, Networking Concepts and Protocols, Network Threats and Vulnerabilities, Network Security Planning and Policy, Access Control, Defense against Network Attacks, DOS and DDOS detection and prevention, Firewalls, Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems, Antivirus Filtering, Naming and DNS Security, DNSSEC, IP security, Secure Sockets Layer, VPN, Packet Sniffing and spoofing, Honeypot, Ethernet Security, Wireless Security, Wireless Attacks, Wireless LAN Security with 802.11i, Wireless Security Protocols, Wireless Intrusion Detection, Physical access and Security, Tor Network, Network Forensics. Defense against Network Attacks.
CY-3204T Secure Software Design and Development (Cr Hr 2+1)
Secure software concepts; System issues; System properties; Software Project Time Management; Software Project Costing; Software Quality Assurance; Security Concepts in the SDLC; Risk management; Security standards (e.g., coding standards, NIST standards, Federal Information Processing Standards); Best practices (e.g., OWASP development guide, OWASP code review guide, OWASP testing guide); Security methodologies (e.g., Socratic Methodology, Operationally Critical Threat, Asset, and Vulnerability Evaluation, STRIDE and DREAD, Open Source Security Testing Methodology Manual); Security frameworks (e.g., Zachman Framework, Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology, Sherwood Applied Business Security Architecture (SABSA)); Regulations- Privacy and Compliance; Security Models (e.g., BLP Confidentiality Model, Clark and Wilson Model (Access Triple Model)); Trusted Computing; Secure Software Requirements (Sources for Security Requirements, Types of Security Requirements); Secure Software Design (Design consideration, Information Technology Security Principles and Secure Design, Designing Secure Design Principles); Design Processes; Secure Software Implementation/Coding; Software Development Methodologies; Common Software Vulnerabilities and Controls; Defensive Coding Practices—Concepts and Techniques; Code Vulnerabilities and Avoiding Polymorphic Malware Attacks: Buffer overflow, Format string bug, Code vulnerabilities SQL Injection, Cross-site Scripting, Cross-site Request Forgery, Session management, Replication of vulnerabilities and exploitation; Secure Software Testing; Security Testing Methodologies; Software Security Testing; Software Acceptance; Legal Protection Mechanisms; Software Deployment- Operations- Maintenance and Disposal.
CY-4310T Vulnerability Assessment and Reverse Engineering (Cr Hr 2+1)
Understanding the need for security assessments; Classifying vulnerabilities; Software vulnerabilities; Network vulnerabilities; Vulnerability assessment versus penetration testing; Vulnerability Assessment Tools; Vulnerability management Regulatory compliance; Calculating ROIs; Application review process; Pre-assessment; Code navigation; Codeauditing tactics; Memory corruption; understanding issues in programming languages; Steps in Reverse engineering, Common tools used for Reverse engineering; Binary Obfuscation techniques; Understanding core assembly concepts to perform malicious code analysis, Identifying key assembly logic structures with a disassembler, Malware analysis Types of malware analysis; Malware Taxonomy; Static analysis; Dynamic analysis; Malware Inspection; Malware analysis tools; Sandboxing and virtualization.
Approved Fee Structure for BS (Cyber Security) Program
Following is the APPROVED fee structure for BS (Cyber Security) Program:
Fee Head | Semester 1 Charges (Rs.) | ||||
Admission Charges (Non-Refundable) | 10,000 | ||||
Security Deposit (Refundable) | 5,000 | ||||
Enrollment Fee (One Time Only) | 5,000 | ||||
Total Credits in Semester 1 | 17 | ||||
Per Credit Charges | 4,500 | ||||
Course Fee (Semester 1) | 76,500 | ||||
Total | Rs.96,500/ | ||||
Tution Fees are subject to yearly revision depanding on inflation and cost of living index |
Minimum 50% marks in Intermediate/12 years schooling/A- Level (HSSC) or Equivalent with Mathematics are required for admission in BS (Cyber Security) Program.
The students who have not studied Mathematics at intermediate level have to pass deficiency courses of Mathematics (06 credits) in First Year.
Program Education Outcomes
PEOs of BS in Cyber Security (BS-CyS)
Program Learning Outcomes
PLOs of BS in Cyber Security (BS-CyS)
S# | Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) | Computing Professional Graduate |
1 | Academic Education | To prepare graduates as computing professionals |
2 | Knowledge for Solving Computing Problems | Apply knowledge of computing fundamentals, knowledge of a computing specialization, and mathematics, science, and domain knowledge appropriate for the computing specialization to the abstraction and conceptualization of computing models from defined problems and requirements. |
3 | Problem Analysis | Identify, formulate, research literature, and solve complex computing problems reaching substantiated conclusions using fundamental principles of mathematics, computing sciences, and relevant domain disciplines. |
4 | Design/ Development of Solutions | Design and evaluate solutions for complex computing problems, and design and evaluate systems, components, or processes that meet specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal, and environmental considerations. |
5 | Modern Tool Usage | Create, select, adapt and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern computing tools to complex computing activities, with an understanding of the limitations. |
6 | Individual and Team Work | Function effectively as an individual and as a member or leader in diverse teams and in multi-disciplinary settings. |
7 | Communication | Communicate effectively with the computing community and with society at large about complex computing activities by being able to comprehend and write effective reports, design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and understand clear instructions. |
8 | Computing Professionalism and Society | Understand and assess societal, health, safety, legal, and cultural issues within local and global contexts, and the consequential responsibilities relevant to professional computing practice |
9 | Ethics | Understand and commit to professional ethics, responsibilities, and norms of professional computing practice |
10 | Life-long Learning | Recognize the need, and have the ability, to engage in independent learning for continual development as a computing professional |