Assistant Professor & Clinical Coordinator Nursing
Professional Qualification
MSN Dow University of Health Sciences
M.Sc. Applied Psychology Virtual University of Pakistan
BSN Dow University of Health Sciences
Diploma in Psy. Nursing College of Nursing, JPMC, Karachi
Diploma in Nursing Sindh Nurses Examination Board, Karachi
B.A University of Karachi
Asst. Professor Nursing Jinnah College of Nursing, Sohail University
Senior Nursing Lecturer Jinnah College of Nursing, Sohail University
Nursing Instructor Jinnah College of Nursing, S.M. Sohail Trust
Nursing Instructor the Angel Nursing Institute
Assessment of Anxiety and Depression and its Association with Socio-demographic Characteristics among Family Caretakers of Cancer Patients
Association of Dietary Intake with Socio-Demographic Charecteristics among Nurses at a ertiary Care Hospital in Karachi
Assessment of Quality of Life of Cancer Survivors in Tertiary Care Hospital at Karachi
Assessment of Test Anxiety and its Correlation with Academic Performance among Undergraduate Students
Perception of Faculty and Undergraduate Students Regarding the Use of Advanced Technology and Social Media in Nursing Education
Academic Procrastination and its Association with Academic Performance and Demographic Characteristics of Undergraduate Health Sciences’ Students
Academic and Workplace Buoyancy and its Association with Demographic Variables among Health Sciences’ Undergraduates
Nursing Seminar Khalid Hussain and Batch 10
Course Designing Workshop on Global Citizenship as part of the Global Citizenship Education Pilot Study Education Department of Sindh Madressatul Islam University
Global Citizenship as an integral part of the Global Citizenship Education Pilot Study Education Department of Sindh Madressatul Islam University
Grant Writing Ziauddin Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery
How to Organize and Conduct Workshop CONPAL CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION SOCIETY
Writing Educational Objectives: What, Why, How Department of Medical Education
Student Engagement in Online Classes Department of Medical Education
Teachers as Quality Partners Sohail University (QEC)
Lesson Planning Sohail University (QEC)
Depiction of Eros and Thanatos through Characters in the Novel Lord of the Flies by William Golding 2nd Hamdard International Conference of Linguistics and Literature
Perceptions Nursing Students towards Plagiarism Sindh Madressatul Islam University
Participated in the Conference
Innovation of Health Science Conference Sohail University