Associate Professor & MSN Program Coordinator Nursing
PhD in Education Continue SMIU
Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) from Institute of Nursing, DUHS Karachi
MHA IAS, The University of Punjab Lahore (PU)
Post RN BSN LUMHS Jamshoro
OT ShaiKh Zayed Lahore
Associate Professor Jinnah College of Nursing, Sohail University
Associate Professor & Principal Jinnah College of Nursing, Sohail University
Chief Nursing Superintendent & Assistant Professor Jinnah Medical & Dental College Hospital (Sohail Trust Hospital)
BSN Coordinator and Senior Lecturer Saida Waheed FMH College of Nursing
Analysis of anxiety, depression and perceived stress in women with poly cystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) Journal of Population Therapeutics and Clinical Pharmacology ISSN: 1710-6222
Pediatric Off-Label COVID-19 Vaccination: The Concerns of Healthcare Professionals in Pakistan original article published in Vaccines
Knowledge of Community Members of Ali Raza Abad Regarding the Role of Government
Authorities and Non-Government Organization in Solid Waste Management (original research article published in NUR EARCHER)
Impact Of Nursing Discharge Instructions on Readmission Rate in Heart Failure Patients: A Comparative Study (original research article published in Pakistan Heart Journal (PHJ)
Nursing Clinical Faculty Teaching Behavior and Nursing Students Learning (research article)
Effect of nursing lead discharge instructions on improvement of post discharge care management in heart failure patients at tertiary care hospital of Karachi research article (original article published in JPMA)
Creating a Harassment free workplace environment arranged by IECED Sohail University
COVID-19 Contact Tracing Coursera John Hopkins University
Understanding Open Educational Resources (OER) Commonwealth of Learning OER
Attended workshop on topic Introduction to Research arranged by NUR foundation FMH Lahore
Attended workshop on topic Proposal Development arranged by NUR foundation FMH Lahore
Attended Workshop on Enhancement of Critical Thinking Skill among Educators Arrange by AKU
Attended workshop on Management of Mass Disaster in Earthquake, presented paper and share experience JPMC
Attended Annual Symposium of National Institute of Child Health Karachi.
Attended 13th Sarc society Cancer Congress Workshop. JPMC
Attended Budgetary Workshop (MTBF) as an Observer Arrange by Ministry of Finance, Government of Pakistan.
Attended one day Symposium on Management of Animals and Insects bites and Stings at FMH.
Paper presentation on 44th Annual Symposium of JPMC Karachi on Topic “Epidemic Challenges (Tuberculosis) and Role of Nurses” JPMC