News & Events


CLDP Visit

Stefan Koehler, Associate Director of Licensing Health Technologies University of Michigan and John Dickerson Senior Attorney U.S Department of Commerce Commercial Law Development Program (CLDP) visited Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) at Sohail University on 5th March 2020 and explored the prospects of academic and research collaboration with Director Research Sohail University Prof. Dr. Rizwana S Waraich.


Commercial Law Workshop

Sohail University and AUC I Law in collaboration with the Commercial Law Development Program (CLDP) the USA, and Continuing Legal Education Institute of Pakistan (CLEIP) successfully organized a one-day workshop titled “Commercial Law Masterclasses”. The objective of the workshop was to aware of the participants about Intellectual property (IP) rights and licensing in private business settings. Vice President, CLEIP, Syed Bulent Sohail, Stefan Koehler, Tech Transfer, University of Michigan and Senior Attorney, U.S. Department of Commerce, CLDP, John Dickerson, was the panelist who highlighted the issues people facing on Intellectual Property (IP) licensing in Pakistan. Moreover, they also visited Sohail University and a commemorative group photo with participants was also taken.

Debate competition on “online classes are better than physical classes”

A debate competition on “Online classes are better than physical classes” was arranged among JCN students of Generic BSN semester-I and Semester-III. English lecturer, Ms. Naeema Bakhat arranged this debate competition on 10th March 2021 at Mumtaz Uddin Haider Auditorium. One jury member, Mrs.Ghazala Tariq joined through a “Zoom meeting” while the other two attended the debate physically. The students of semester-I won the competition. The students from semester III who were debating for the motion run the competition. Results were announced by Mr. Zafar Iqbal and certificates were distributed by Major Munazza Parveen (Rtd). In the end, Mr. Muhammad Fayyaz Awan concluded the session with his expert linguistic and educational views.