News & Events

test 20 -21 sep

UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION TEST RESULT AND PROGRAM OFFERING (Fall 2023)- for the Test Conducted during 20 – 21 Sep 2023

UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION TEST RESULT AND PROGRAM OFFERING (Fall 2023) For the tests and interviews conducted during 20‐21 September 2023

test result 14 -20

UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION TEST RESULT AND PROGRAM OFFERING (Fall 2023)- for the Test Conducted during 14 – 20 Sep 2023

UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION TEST RESULT AND PROGRAM OFFERING (Fall 2023) For the tests and interviews conducted during 14‐20 September 2023

11 - 13 result

UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION TEST RESULT AND PROGRAM OFFERING (Fall 2023)- for the Test Conducted during 11 – 13  Sep 2023

UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION TEST RESULT AND PROGRAM OFFERING (Fall 2023) For the tests and interviews conducted during 11th‐13th September 2023

PCP Certification

Another achievement for S.M. Sohail Trust to have received PCP certification. The Pakistan Centre for Philanthropy (PCP) Certification Programme seeks to bring transparency, accountability and good supremacy in the non-profit sector in Pakistan. It involves the evaluation of a non-profit organization on standardized limitations of internal governance, financial management and programme delivery.