News & Events

Seminar on Research & updates in Neuroscience (RUNS)

RESEARCH & UPDATES IN NEUROSCIENCES (RUNS) in collaboration with Pakistan Society of Neurosurgeons. Conference was held on Jan 18, 2020 at Medicare Cardiac & General Hospital by Prof. Dr. Raza Rizvi head of Neurosurgery Department. This is the conference where all departments of Neurosurgery from all over the province participated including their senior faculty. The aim of the program is to share the experience regarding management of complicated neurosurgical cases and to improve the concept of research among the junior faculty. This program is rotated in different centers of province and this was the first ever neurosurgical event at Medicare cardiac & general hospital. 18-Jan-2020

Health Drive at City School

Medicare Cardiac and General Hospital, Nursing Staff visited different campuses of City School to give awareness on health and special training was provided to students and parents on CPR training from 13th to 15th Jan 2020. Dr. Nadeem Noor Asst Prof. Pediatrics Consultant-Medicare Cardiac and General Hospital gave the presentation on Child health & replied to the queries of parents about the health issues of children. 13th to 15th Jan 2020

Orientation Ceremony

Sohail University and Department of Physical Therapy started the academic session with Orientation Ceremony of BS Batch-1 (Bio-Technology & Medical technology) and DPT Batch-2 which took place on January 07, 2020. Students attended the session with great zeal. They were explained about the personal opportunities, growth and universities rules and regulations by their respective head of department. They also explored the university. At the end Q&A’s session was conducted where students asked their queries from faculty. Moreover a commemorative group photo of new students were also taken. 7-Jan-2020

New Year Celebration

The management of Sohail University, Medicare Cardiac & General Hospital wishing you a prosperous and Joyous Happy New Year 2020 by the distribution of Souvenir and greeting cards to the consultants and Staff. 01-Jan-2020

UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION TEST RESULT AND PROGRAM OFFERING (Spring 2024)- for the Test Conducted during 20 Feb – 19 Mar 2024

UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION TEST RESULT AND PROGRAM OFFERING (Spring 2024)- for the Test Conducted during 20 Feb – 19 Mar 2024