News & Events

test 20 -21 sep

UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION TEST RESULT AND PROGRAM OFFERING (Fall 2023)- for the Test Conducted during 20 – 21 Sep 2023

UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION TEST RESULT AND PROGRAM OFFERING (Fall 2023) For the tests and interviews conducted during 20‐21 September 2023

test result 14 -20

UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION TEST RESULT AND PROGRAM OFFERING (Fall 2023)- for the Test Conducted during 14 – 20 Sep 2023

UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION TEST RESULT AND PROGRAM OFFERING (Fall 2023) For the tests and interviews conducted during 14‐20 September 2023

11 - 13 result

UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION TEST RESULT AND PROGRAM OFFERING (Fall 2023)- for the Test Conducted during 11 – 13  Sep 2023

UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION TEST RESULT AND PROGRAM OFFERING (Fall 2023) For the tests and interviews conducted during 11th‐13th September 2023

Workshop on “balance dysfunctions in stroke patient”

Sohail University Organizes an International Rehabilitation Workshop on “BALANCE DYSFUNCTIONS IN STROKE PATIENT” This International Workshop was conducted on the 3rd of March, 2021 by DR. DANIA SHEREIF. Dr. Dania is MSC PT. Neuromuscular Disorders and its Surgeries and primephysio Senior Tutor in the UK. She is also a Bobath trained therapist IBITA. Here is the pictorial view of the Conference in which doctors, physiotherapists, and students keenly participated and gained knowledge on the assessment and regulation of balance that restricts the patient’s free movement. Certificates were awarded to the participants at the end of the Workshop.