Jinnah College of Rehabilitation Sciences is justly wishing World Physiotherapy Day – World PT Day 2020 Physiotherapy is decisive in initial and continuing recuperation for the troubled people convalescing from any key injury or reasonably looking for better motion in their active lives.
September correctly is Blood Cancer Awareness Month – a decisive time to instantly make considerable energies to conquer blood cancers including leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma, and Hodgkin lymphoma. Persons with blood cancer can endure and live healthily when they’re diagnosed promptly and treated properly.
Workshop on “Writing Educational Objectives: What, Why, How”
Department of Medical Education, Jinnah Medical and Dental College organized a workshop with the title “Writing Educational Objectives: What, Why, How” for the faculty members on 6th November 2020. Dr. Mariam Iqbal was the facilitator of the event. Later on, Prof. Dr. Hussain Mehdi, Principal, Jinnah Medical & Dental College distributed certificates to the participants.