SOPs for Student Teacher and Student Course Evaluation

  1. Two weeks before the end of a semester, course coordinator will email the dates for evaluation to QEC, keeping the Programs heads in c.c.

  2. QEC will open the evaluation.

  3. Pop up will come in student portal.

  4. Program coordinator will be responsible to collect the information about those students who have missed evaluation, from QEC.

  5. Program Coordinator may share this information with the Students Affairs & Exam Dept.

  6. The students who have not completed the evaluations will not be provided with their results (as a reprimand) till they fill in their evaluation forms.

  7. Once all the students have submitted the evaluations, QEC will finalize the evaluation report.

  8. Report will be shared with VC & Programs heads.

Action taken on evaluation reports will be communicated to QEC by the Program in charge/ Program head within a months’ time. These will be shared with the Quality Assurance Agency of HEC.