This is for the information of all concerned that all classes of Sohail University will remain suspended on November 9, 2024 on occasion of Allama Iqbal Day.
Awareness Session on Screening & Prevention of Carcinoma Breast
According to statistical data, 90 thousand breast cancer cases are reported every year in Pakistan. It is our prime responsibility to aware general public about the disease, said by Assistant Professor /Consultant General & Breast Surgeon Dr. Sadiqa Bano in a workshop. Jinnah Medical and Dental College organized 7 awareness session of Breast Cancer with the title “Screening & Prevention of Carcinoma Breast” for female dental house officers, MBBS, BDS, Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT), Biomedical & Biological Sciences, Bachelor of Business Administration students and faculty members. Sessions were conducted by Senior Registrar Prof. Dr. Rasheeqa Mehmood & Dr.Sadiqa Bano at Jinnah Medical & Dental College and Jinnah Medical College Hospital. The speaker emphasized that early detection, screening & timely diagnose could help to reduce the risk rate. It is the only possible way to reduce the death rate among women due to breast cancer disease.