This is for the information of all concerned that all classes of Sohail University will remain suspended on November 9, 2024 on occasion of Allama Iqbal Day.
Debate competition on “online classes are better than physical classes”
A debate competition on “Online classes are better than physical classes” was arranged among JCN students of Generic BSN semester-I and Semester-III. English lecturer, Ms. Naeema Bakhat arranged this debate competition on 10th March 2021 at Mumtaz Uddin Haider Auditorium. One jury member, Mrs.Ghazala Tariq joined through a “Zoom meeting” while the other two attended the debate physically. The students of semester-I won the competition. The students from semester III who were debating for the motion run the competition. Results were announced by Mr. Zafar Iqbal and certificates were distributed by Major Munazza Parveen (Rtd). In the end, Mr. Muhammad Fayyaz Awan concluded the session with his expert linguistic and educational views.