This is for the information of all concerned that all classes of Sohail University will remain suspended on November 9, 2024 on occasion of Allama Iqbal Day.
Sindh Healthcare Commission (SHCC) hands-on training for Primary Healthcare Clinics
Sindh Healthcare Commission (SHCC) conducted hands-on training for Primary Healthcare Clinics on October 21st,2020. In its spirit of collaborative work with stakeholders, all clinics of SINA Health, Education, and welfare trust received training at Venue as provided by Jinnah Medical & Dental College, S.M. Sohail Trust. The training was facilitated by Deputy Director Trainings, Dr. Zainab Hasan, of the Directorate of Clinical Governance of the Training supported by office bearers of SINA Administration. The Director CGT, Dr. S. Ahmed Raza Kazmi appreciated the effort of SINA and thanked JMDC Administration for providing the venue. Later on, SHCC CEO (a) S. Baqar Raza Rizvi distributed certificates to the participants.