News & Events

Congratulates Sameer Tebha

Sohail University Congratulates Sameer Tebha, 4th-year student of Jinnah Medical & Dental College for being selected to present at the Medical Student Neurological Surgery Research Symposium organized by Weill Cornell Medicine, Department of Neurological Surgery. This is the First International Research Symposium for Medical Students in Neurosurgery. Sameer Tebha of JMDC is honored to be shortlisted and to present his “Poster Presentation” on “Management of Failed Back Surgery Syndrome and Healthcare Burden: A Mini Systematic Review” among 25 U.S. Medical Schools and 6 Countries internationally at the Weill Cornell Medicine, New York City, USA.

World Leprosy Day

Sohail University marks World Leprosy Day to raise public awareness of Leprosy or Hansen’s Disease. Leprosy was renamed Hansen’s disease after Norwegian scientist Gerhard Henrik Armauer Hansen, who in 1873 discovered the slow-growing bacterium now known as Mycobacterium leprae as the cause of the illness. Together, we can put a stop to prejudice and disgrace against people with Hansen’s disease that can be restored with antibiotics.

Sohail university congratulates Dr.Shaista emad

Sohail University congratulates and recognizes the work of Dr. Shaista Emad, Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry, for the supervision & MBBS Batch 19 students; Faiza Nasir, Ayesha Akhlaq, Syed Raheel Pasha & Muhammad Jahanzaib Noor for the publishing of their undergraduate research in “The Pakistan journal of Medicine & Dentistry” (HEC/PMC Recognized) This is the first study reported in Pakistan of its kind on “Volunteering Activity as A Source of Life Satisfaction among Medical and Dental Students of Karachi, Pakistan” Sohail University also honors students of Batch -19 presenting their research work in the “8th International Conference on Endorsing Health Science Research” organized by Dow University of Health Sciences on 14th March 2020 and received the certificate.

Birthday Anniversary Of Father Of The Nation

Sohail University celebrates the 145th Birthday Anniversary of Father of the Nation Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah today December 25th with a renewed commitment to work hard for the progress and prosperity of the country. Let’s pay rich tribute to the struggle of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah for getting us a separate independent homeland and mark the day as per Quaid’s vision.

UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION TEST RESULT AND PROGRAM OFFERING (Fall 2023) For the tests and interviews conducted during 10‐11 Oct. 2023

UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION TEST RESULT AND PROGRAM OFFERING (Fall 2023)For the tests and interviews conducted during 10‐11 Oct. 2023.