News & Events

Flag Hoisting Ceremony

FLAG HOISTING CEREMONY Sohail University is inviting all patriots to come and join everyone on a glorious Flag Hoisting Ceremony! On the 22nd Of March, let's commemorate Pakistan Resolution day and its importance in the independence of Pakistan! Venue

Sports Talent Hunt Program

Sohail University is enthusiastic to announce a SPORTS TALENT HUNT PROGRAM 2021-2022 Take a step forward to register yourself for this thrilling opportunity and exhibit your talent in the sport you are most passionate about! The Registrations start from March 22nd, 2021

Badminton Competition

Sohail University is holding a "Badminton Competition" Here is an electrifying opportunity for boys and girls to enroll in the Badminton Competition and show your badminton skills! The Registrations begins from 22 March 2021 The Last Date of Submissions is 31 March 2021

World Health Oral Day

Flash the brightest and healthiest smile by keeping your oral health in check & Be Proud of Your Mouth! World oral health day is celebrated on the 20th of March annually. It is celebrated to bring attention to different oral diseases and their respective treatments. Oral health is extremely important to look after. Make sure you are aware of all the possible oral concerns and taking care of your teeth by brushing and flossing them regularly! Don't forget to pay visits to your dentist every 6 months to keep your teeth healthy and your heart satisfied! #SohailUniversity #JinnahMedicalAndDentalCollege #SU #jmdc #oralhealthday2021 #teeth #dentalcare #MouthProud #WOHD21 Flash the brightest and healthiest smile by keeping your oral health in check & Be Proud of Your Mouth! World oral health day is celebrated on the 20th of March annually. It is celebrated to bring attention to different oral diseases and their respective treatments. Oral health is extremely important to look after. Make sure you are aware of all the possible oral concerns and taking care of your teeth by brushing and flossing them regularly! Don't forget to pay visits to your dentist every 6 months to keep your teeth healthy and your heart satisfied!

Workshop on “balance dysfunctions in stroke patient”

Sohail University Organizes an International Rehabilitation Workshop on “BALANCE DYSFUNCTIONS IN STROKE PATIENT” This International Workshop was conducted on the 3rd of March, 2021 by DR. DANIA SHEREIF. Dr. Dania is MSC PT. Neuromuscular Disorders and its Surgeries and primephysio Senior Tutor in the UK. She is also a Bobath trained therapist IBITA. Here is the pictorial view of the Conference in which doctors, physiotherapists, and students keenly participated and gained knowledge on the assessment and regulation of balance that restricts the patient’s free movement. Certificates were awarded to the participants at the end of the Workshop.