News & Events

International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day is being celebrated around the world today, on the 8th of March. Women’s Day is dedicated to all women superheroes who struggle tirelessly and have attained great heights in noble fields such as science, technology, politics, engineering, business, and several others. On this women’s day, We take a vow to value and empower all women and their remarkable achievements. Let’s come together in support of women and become their voice for a better tomorrow!

Pharm D Orientation

Sohail University welcomes *BATCH 10* of Pharm. D to Jinnah College of Pharmacy. The orientation ceremony for students of Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm. D) took place on February 25th, 2021 Wishing for a top-notch experience to our new arrivals on their way to exciting possibilities & flourishing careers!

Dpt Orientation

Jinnah College of Rehabilitation Sciences, Sohail University is pleased to start the academic session of Doctor of Physical Therapy Batch-3, 2021. The orientation ceremony was held on 23rd and 24th of February 2021. DPT Students attended the session with great interest and visited the university campus.

Workshop on “balance dysfunctions in stroke patient”

Sohail University Organizes an International Rehabilitation Workshop on “BALANCE DYSFUNCTIONS IN STROKE PATIENT” This International Workshop was conducted on the 3rd of March, 2021 by DR. DANIA SHEREIF. Dr. Dania is MSC PT. Neuromuscular Disorders and its Surgeries and primephysio Senior Tutor in the UK. She is also a Bobath trained therapist IBITA. Here is the pictorial view of the Conference in which doctors, physiotherapists, and students keenly participated and gained knowledge on the assessment and regulation of balance that restricts the patient’s free movement. Certificates were awarded to the participants at the end of the Workshop.

Debate Competition

A debate competition on "Online classes are better than physical classes" was arranged among Jinnah College of Nursing students of Generic BSN semester-I and Semester-III. English lecturer, Ms. Naeema Bakhat arranged this debate competition on 10th March 2021 at Mumtaz Uddin Haider Auditorium. One jury member, Mrs.Ghazala Tariq joined through a “Zoom meeting” while the other two attended the debate physically. The students of semester-I won the competition. The students from semester III who were debating for the motion run the competition. Results were announced by Mr. Zafar Iqbal and certificates were distributed by Major Munazza Parveen (Rtd).